When I turned two years old, I had a bad case of hand-foot-mouth. For five days, my throat was so blistered that I survived on a couple sips of milk per meal.
One evening, while reading the story of Jesus healing the lepers, I pointed at Jesus and instead of saying “Jesus,” like I normally did, I said, “Daddy.”
That night, I was up crying while trying to sleep. My daddy came into my room and read to me more stories of Jesus healing others. My daddy asked me if I wanted Jesus to make my owies go away, and I said, “yes.”
My daddy said that Jesus would let him help, and then he gave me a blessing to be healed. After the blessing, he gave me a full cup of milk, and I drank it all. My owies were gone.
I am grateful for spiritual gifts. I am grateful for my gift of faith in Jesus Christ. I am grateful that my daddy had the gift of healing that night. I know “that every good gift cometh of Christ” (Moroni 10:18).
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.